Poxy Meta Alarm failed.

It's the only way to eat them unless you want to get covered in custard and icing. Others have suggested various alternatives, but I find it the least messy! A very fine confection, made locally. And Ian's sausage and bacon baguette is jolly good too.
May I suggest biscuits and cakes are one bite items - no crumbs, no mess, you're welcome 😁
Why on earth were they retrofitted in the UK? Wasn't the factory immobiliser enough? Was it an insurance thing? I think the Meta M357T and V2 were Thatcham approved so maybe the Ducati importer had to do it. The worse thing is that the backup battery, that supposedly had a life of 5 to 7 years, was completely potted in resin and not replaceable. Talk about built in obsolescence!
I agree. I have/had bikes with factory designed & fitted immobilisers and the insurance co wasn’t in the slightest bit interested ‘but does it have an alarm sir?’, despite the fact it ain’t starting or going anywhere or resaleable unless you have the key. Surely insurance cos know no-one pays the slightest bit of attention to an alarm going off.

On the custard slice issue, yes, knife and fork, impossible to eat with any semblance of decorum and manners otherwise 👍